The Cape Skirt, our iconic piece, is inspired by the jet-setting woman seeking comfort, elegance, and making a statement. At first glance, its use may seem singular, not revealing its versatile possibilities. This piece can transform in three distinct ways: as an elegant cape, an original skirt, or a poncho. Versatile and eye-catching, it will surely turn heads. Recognized by Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Fashion Network, among other important names, this skirt is the perfect choice to stand out on any occasion.
Rivera, una camisola inspirada en Frida Kahlo, refleja su costumbre de personalizar y pintar sus corsés, convirtiendo una prenda restrictiva en una expresión de su fuerza y estilo único. De manera similar, nuestra pieza desafía la rigidez habitual del cuero al cortarlo en tiras, logramos una prenda fluida que rinde homenaje al espíritu creativo y liberador de Frida.